Devlog #4: Progress in the eyes of the dev.

Hello all! This is devlog 4 already! (Even though it took me 220 days between 1 and 2...)

So this devlog is actually quite short in terms of progress. And I want to talk about that a bit. The progress I have made that is noticable for everyone is that I finished the anvil, I added a progress bar and some more small things like seeing that the tool has an item in them.

This did take me a mid-week of work. I was gone to a festival for the weekend so couldnt get much done there. Behind the visual aspect of the game a lot was going on. I have revamped a lot of the code to be more efficient to work with or I did some optimization. To me the work I did is a lot and I am glad that the code now looks clean and is much easier to use when adding new features. But there also is this voice inside me which tells me that I didn't actually make a lot of progress compared to the other 2 weeks. I only added 1 new tool and tools display their progress. 

This can be a bit unmotivating when I look at other games with are a work in progress. I do this a lot to draw ideas and sometimes this really motivates me.. but not really this time.. Oh god I hope this is making sense to you all haha. Not being a native english speaker can sometimes get a little messy when really trying to get a point across. Bottom line: Lots of progress behind the scenes. Not so much visually. Kinda unmotivating.

But this is in no way stopping me progressing the game. Dang I have really gotten to love it and I am ready to give more of my time to it. One thing I am quite bothered by though is the lack of good art. Like in my previous post the art of the UI and such is not... any good at all. I would like to make something worth putting in the game but I am not an artist and I'd rather focus my time on making the game work then making it look pretty. I hope someday an amazing artist will stumble upon the project and would like to help me out here and there.

I also made a little discord server for anyone that is interested in the progress or want to talk to me and share their ideas. I always love a good conversation with someone! Here is the discord link:

I hope to see you there! The design document is now in the discord #info channel.

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